Colour Palette

Firefox on Android

Colour is a very useful tool to help us inform, distinguish, and inspire interactions. It helps us enrich the user's experience and gives us an opportunity to be whimsical at the same time.

The palette we use is inspired by the Android platform on which it lives on. While we do not have a lot of bold colours in our primary palette, this softer approach allows our product to be more unobtrusive.

To compliment the foundation created by our primary palette, we also have an extended palette.

RGB: 0 146 219
CMYK: 77 31 0 0
HEX: #0092DB

RGB: 192 204 214
CMYK: 24 13 10 0

RGB: 67 72 78
CMYK: 71 61 53 38
HEX: #43484E

RGB: 255 149 0
CMYK: 0 50 100 0
HEX: #FF9500

RGB: 34 34 34
CMYK: 72 66 65 72
HEX: #222222

RGB: 119 119 119
CMYK: 55 46 46 11
HEX: #777777